Sunday, January 27, 2019

Module 3 - Terrain Visualization

This week we studied terrain visualization.  We considered contour lines, DEM, hillshade single and multiple light source, and color tinting.  The above map utilized an elevation raster provided for Yellowstone National park and a land cover raster.  The elevation raster was processed with a single light source hillshade tool from the Raster function in the Raster group of the Analysis tab in ArcPro.  The land cover raster categories were generalized into fewer groups and appropriate colors were chosen for each group.  The land cover layer is displayed at 45% transparency to allow the hillshade texture to show through.  Legibility of the map text and message are clear.  Visual Contrast is sufficient to distinguish categories but not abrasive.  Figure Ground is clear between the boundaries of the land cover of Yellowstone park and the grey tones of the hillshade outside of the park.  Hierarchy is demonstrated in text size and element location.  Title is largest text and subtitle is smaller and more ornate.  The north arrow is placed within a non-focus part of the map frame.  The projections and class are in larger font and positioned above author name and date.  Balance was addressed with a centered map frame and main title, large legend is balanced with other map elements.

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