Friday, June 8, 2018

Module 3: Python Fundamentals Part 2

This week we studied more advanced aspects of Python scripting.  We learned correct usage of file paths, how to import modules for additional functions, appropriate naming conventions, loop structures, and commenting.  We examined conditional statements that perform different actions in different situations, and for and while loops that repeat the same processes multiple times. We also practiced finding and fixing errors in Python code.  In this week's lab we were asked to use modules to access a wider range of methods and functions, write conditional statements and loop structures, and identify and correct errors in code.
The lab assignment, was to complete an unfinished Python script, correcting some errors in it, and adding new blocks of code. The result if successful would have been a complete Python script, including a comments section containing your name and contact information, the date the script was completed, and a brief description of its purpose. 

At the due date, Wednesday, I have not been successful. 

Thursday: attended virtual office hours with professor, made progress past sticking point.  Only to encounter another sticking point.

Friday: requested email assistance from professor.  Finally completed module successfully.

Hope these struggles are not indicative of the rest of the semester!  Need my brain to learn to think in python.

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